Black Representation in Outdoors and EMPOCA's Pioneering Efforts

We're all conscious of the stark absence of Black individuals in the outdoor industry, but how do we confront and change this reality?

By Grishma Jashapara, Managing Partner at Fusion Associates.

The outdoor industry, like many other sectors, has historically been marked by a lack of diversity, particularly when it comes to Black representation. This lack of inclusivity is evident not only in the participants of outdoor activities but also in the leadership roles, marketing campaigns, and brand ambassadors associated with outdoor brands and organisations. The absence of Black individuals in these spaces can perpetuate stereotypes, limit opportunities, and hinder the overall growth and richness of the outdoor community.

Why is Representation Important?

Representation matters because it shapes perceptions, breaks barriers, and fosters a sense of belonging. When Black individuals see themselves represented in outdoor spaces, it challenges societal norms and encourages more diverse participation. Moreover, diverse representation can lead to a broader understanding of environmental and conservation issues from different cultural perspectives, enriching the discourse and leading to more holistic solutions.

A Personal Observation

I recently wrote a piece on LinkedIn about the noticeable absence of diversity in the outdoor sector. As an outdoor industry recruiter, I am concerned that many outdoor companies are lacking in diversity. It's no secret that this sector is predominately white and male, and it's a challenge to find people of colour in management positions. My sentiments seemed to resonate with several industry professionals, including Sebastian Städtler, Marketing Manager for the DACH region at The North Face. It was through Sebastian that I became acquainted with EMPOCA and the admirable efforts they are making to tackle this pressing concern.

Introducing EMPOCA

EMPOCA, Europe's first outdoor program for Black children, is a pioneering organisation addressing this very gap. Founded in 2018, EMPOCA is the only organisation in Europe dedicated to connecting Black kids and teens with nature. Through their outdoor camps, children aged 7 to 16 experience the wonders of nature, guided by experienced and trained Black team members. These camps not only offer an exciting and restful time in nature but also foster a greater awareness of the environment, health, and self. The magic of EMPOCA camps creates lasting memories for the children, instilling in them a love for the earth and a sense of self-worth. As Wangaari Maathai aptly puts it, "We can love ourselves by loving the earth."

EMPOCA's Broader Impact

Beyond the immediate impact on the children who attend the camps, EMPOCA's work has ripple effects throughout the community. By focusing on Black children, EMPOCA is planting the seeds for future generations of Black outdoor enthusiasts, leaders, and advocates. Their work challenges the status quo and paves the way for a more inclusive outdoor industry. Furthermore, EMPOCA's commitment to inclusivity is evident in their efforts to support children from families facing socio-economic challenges. Through donations, they offer these children the opportunity to attend their outdoor camps free of charge.

 Get Involved

The outdoor industry's transformation towards inclusivity requires collective effort. Companies that recognise the importance of diversity and wish to make a tangible difference are encouraged to support initiatives like EMPOCA. For those interested in getting involved and supporting EMPOCA's mission, please reach out to Anthony Owosekun at

For more information about EMPOCA and their initiatives, visit their official website at

About Fusion Associates

Since 1998, Fusion Associates has been placing experienced professionals across the globe within consumer markets including consumer goods, fashion, sporting goods, healthy living and luxury.

Environmental, humanitarian, social and political concerns are close to the Partners both in and out of the business. We pride ourselves in partnering with industry leaders who wish to contribute to a better, more sustainable future. Working with global companies that are at the forefront of innovating and integrating sustainability into the heart of their business, we have helped build purpose-led teams from leadership to subject experts in biodiversity and animal welfare.